It is highly likely that you will own numerous vehicles that require insurance if you run a courier firm. If that is the case, chances are you will need a courier fleet insurance policy, which is capable of covering several vehicles and can also sometimes cover a range of different vehicle types.
On the other hand, a single courier van insurance policy could well be all you need if you are a solo courier with either only one van or a small number of vehicles. In this instance, the policy covers each vehicle on an individual basis – you as the owner simply opt for the coverage level that you require for each vehicle. This can include third party only or third party fire and theft or comprehensive insurance. This type of coverage is often likened to private motor vehicle insurance, but it is still a good idea to confirm with your insurance provider to check for any excesses or exclusions that may not be immediately obvious.
All of your vehicles and drivers will need to be covered whether you own a single vehicle or numerous ones. The vehicle valuations and the driving history of each of your drivers will play a part in establishing the coverage you need. As well as covering the vehicles and drivers, all the items you carry and the general public you deal with in your line of work must all be covered too.
While a courier fleet is generally classed as five or more vehicles, there is also a mini fleet policy on offer that will provide coverage for three or more vehicles. This mini fleet policy is often pricier than insuring three vehicles individually, however, if you are thinking of growing your business in the coming years, this coverage will accommodate those additional vehicles and drivers, saving you money down the line.
Having a courier fleet policy brings with it a number of benefits, including:
- Being able to accommodate each vehicle and driver under a single insurance policy
- Only having one renewal date and one point of contact to deal with, ensuring that making any alterations to your coverage is far simpler
- Having the ability to insure a range of vehicle types, such as various sizes of vans and cars, under a single policy. However, it is key to check with the insurer about this point as often the majority of vehicles will need to be vans
- Being able to cover any authorised driver with the policy, rather than only named drivers – again, this is dependent on your insurer
Because your claims experience will be taken into account when the cost of your coverage is calculated, having a well-managed fleet of vehicles will stand you in good stead. The lower the number of claims, the higher the chance of keeping your insurance premiums down.
One important point to remember, however, is that individual drivers will not be able to construct a courier no-claims bonus across a vehicle fleet and any incidents that occur have the capacity to impact on the coverage cost for the entire fleet. As such, if you have a smaller vehicle fleet, purchasing individual courier van insurance policies could be the cheapest option.
Call Bollington today for advice on the best policy for your courier insurance needs? Contact us on 01625 348779, or fill out our courier insurance quote form.