With winter fast approaching, the AA has advised motorists to take extra care while on the roads.
The recovery specialist revealed that on the five snowiest days of last winter, which fell in mid January, more than 8,400 car experienced problems. In an article in the Telegraph it is advised that car owners ensure they check their battery, oil level and brake fluids while also carrying anti-freeze and even ice chains with them at all times.
Like motorists, motor trade businesses most also make careful preparations as the colder months set in. Firstly they must ensure they have all the necessary cover they require from a road risks insurance policy – mechanics and dealers will require protection while driving other people’s car on a day-to-day basis, particularly as hazards become more prevalent during winter.
Motor trade companies must also prepare for a potential upturn in work as vehicles suffer faults in sub-zero weather or accidents on icy roads. For large companies this could involve taking on board extra staff or might mean the business is left with more vehicles stored on its premises – again it is important that the firm reviews its motor trade insurance to ensure any such fluctuations are accounted for.
Additional advice from the Telegraph is for motorists to: “Keep an emergency kit in your car too – blankets, drinks and snacks could prove invaluable while you’re waiting for help to arrive, and have some high visibility clothing in case you have to wait outside your car.”